‘Heart Value’ and the Future of Work 💫 

  • 5Minutes

Our hearts exploded this past Wednesday. 
What?! Why?! How?!

 I know. It’s wild. Check out the WhatsApp chatter to prove it… ⬇️

“I’m so touched by this masterclass!”
“I was speechless.”
“My heart is about to explode!”
“I actually want to cry – the message is so beautiful.”
“I cried a lot – every time I was off camera.”
“I want to buy her book!”

OMG. What was this masterclass that made our hearts – here at Growmotely – explode? And who was the embodied expert who was responsible for this ‘explosion’? 

If you must know, I invite you to keep reading. But: be warned! There’s a risk that your heart might explode, too…

So. Some more details. 

Two days ago (on Wednesday, 26th October), Mary Tess Rooney – ‘Heart Value’ expert – delivered a masterclass to our Growmotely Community entitled ‘Align With What Lights You Up While Working Remotely’.

Little did we know what was in store for us when we clicked on the relevant Zoom link at this time:

🌎 9:00am MST ➡️ Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
🌎 11:00am CDT ➡️ Dubuque, Iowa, USA
🌍 5:00pm WAT ➡️ Lagos, Nigeria
🌍 7:00pm EEST ➡️ Bucharest, Romania

Mary Tess kicked off the masterclass by introducing us to the concept of ‘Heart Value’. She describes it as “our energetic and emotional connection to the value we offer that lights us up”. She explained that we are capable of offering value to the world, our companies, and our family and friends in myriad ways, however, just because we are able to add value in so many different ways, it doesn’t mean that all of those ways are equal when it comes to what lights us up.

In fact, it’s easy for us – as humans – to be outer-focused and pay attention to the value we add that lights other people up. But be warned. The two are not one in the same.

One of the key tenets of Mary Tess’ discourse was that there are immense rewards when we acknowledge and prioritize our own Heart Value.

But: how do we come to know what kind of value lights us up? Well, Mary Tess came armed with a handful of exercises that serve to help people answer this question. (Yay!) 

One of the exercises she led us in was entitled ‘Alignment Practice: Calendar Tidying Up’. She asked us to look at our calendar to see what was on for the following day – Thursday in our case. We then were instructed to write each meeting or appointment on an index card. I, personally, hadn’t booked any meetings for Thursday, so I took two from Wednesday, and a couple from Friday. She then asked us to turn the index cards over so that we couldn’t see what they said. After that, she led us in some breathing, asking us to come to a “place of neutrality”. 

Once feeling relaxed and ‘neutral’, we were instructed to turn over each index card – one by one – and notice our energy and emotions. Did it light us up? Or: did it invoke a feeling of dread? Or: something else? She asked us to write down our frequency, vibration and reactions. 

She was then able to communicate to us – in no uncertain terms – that not only do we have the right to follow what lights us up, and to say ‘no’ to anything that doesn’t, but that our heart’s ability to come alive fully almost requires it.

What are the consequences of NOT knowing your Heart Value?
And: what are the benefits of knowing your Heart Value?
Keep reading…
⬇️ ❣️ ⬇️ ❣️ 


One of the reasons that Mary Tess’ masterclass caused our hearts to explode was because she had somehow – unbeknownst to us – convinced our brains to leave the (Zoom) room, leaving our hearts free to dream, play and be open. 

She spoke directly from her heart to ours – in language that our hearts understood. And we heard it. Our hearts did cartwheels, and then they exploded with joy.

Here at Growmotely, although we didn’t have the exact language to describe it until this week’s masterclass, we believe deeply in honoring each person’s Heart Value. Although we do show deference and respect to our brains, we know that our compasses reside in our hearts.

Our hearts are fierce. Opinionated. They know what they want and what they love. And we don’t pretend otherwise.

We see the Future of Work as a place where every single last person is looking at each meeting on their calendar and getting in touch with how it feels…and potentially then saying ‘no’ to the ones that bring down their ‘joy frequency’. Everyone feels lit up by different things; we see this Future of Work as a place where each piece of work that needs to be done in the world is on the correct person’s plate…so that we are all in line with our Heart Value.

We would love for you all to join us in this Future, where the notion of Heart Value is positioned where it should be: front and center. ❣️ 

Written by: Vanessa Kettner (Growmotely’s Creative Writer and your Remote Work Cupid)
Dedicated to: Mary Tess Rooney & Andreea Ioana Gătin – what a pleasure it was to bear witness to your synergy… ✨

P.S. Remember: our Growmotely Community is now OPEN! (And this is where you can watch a replay of Mary Tess’ masterclass!)

✨ Who is it for?
Our online community is for remote professionals – and professionals who are looking to transition into a remote lifestyle. People from all around the globe are welcome! 

What is included?
Access to first-rate masterclasses – covering a range of topics related to remote work, access to professional mastermind groups (e.g. finance & graphic design), curated resources for your remote work journey…and more! 

✨How much does it cost?
We are charging via a monthly subscription model, and we have five different price points – varying from $3.00 – $21.00 USD per month. You can choose the price point that feels most aligned for you! (All price points allow equal access.) 

✨ How do I join?
Cruise over here to sign up! 

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1 thoughts on “‘Heart Value’ and the Future of Work 💫 

  1. Barbara says:

    Love this! I am always an advocate for making decisions with our hearts, and then using our man made mind to put in systems, habits and behaviors aligned to our hearts desires. That’s a sure way to fly as we continually expand in awareness to all that is, and all that will always be. Love it!

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