Category Archives: For professionals

What is our ‘light shadow’ – and why does it matter?

Many of us are familiar with the concept of our ‘shadow selves’ – those parts of us that we would rather not be. Carl Jung brought these ideas to us in the 20th century and in doing so gave us some incredible tools to understand ourselves and our behaviors on a deeper level. The concept […]

The Great Resignation or The Great Redefinition of Work?

It’s not uncommon for me to be swimming upstream, going against the grain, or having a parallel experience to what the mainstream narrative is telling us we should be having. This moment in time is no exception. While I hear talk of ‘The Great Resignation’ everywhere, in my alternate Universe I’m experiencing ‘The Great Redefinition of Work’ […]

Saying ‘yes’ to who you really are

Two people walk into a bar. A resume-writer and a location-independent remote professional. Which one gets up and walks out after a dissatisfying 30-minute conversation? You guessed it! The location-independent remote professional. I’ll come back to this story in just a bit; let me first introduce myself… Beloved job-seekers – and the larger Growmotely family. […]

The courage to break free

You could say we’re all about work, expanded. Freedom to work from wherever you want and the flexibility to attune to your natural rhythms and integrate your life’s wants and needs. Growth that comes from practicing self awareness and inner work. Expanding into one’s potential.  I guess what we want to offer through all we’re creating […]